April 9, 2012
Northcenter Neigborhood Association
Environmental Committee Presents
Revere Park Fieldhouse
2509 W. Irving Park Rd. Chicago IL 60618
7:00 - 8:00pm
LaManda Joy Talks About The New Montrose Green Community Garden
LaManda Joy, Founder of The Peterson Garden Project, will be speaking and answering questions about the new the new garden, Montrose Green Community Garden (Montrose and the Brown line). If you're interested in learning how to grow your own food or you would like to meet your new gardening neighbors, join us to learn more!
8:00 - 9:00pm
North Center Neighborhood Climate Change & Sustainability Plan
By Michael Ashkenasi
Global climate change is one of the largest issues facing cities in the 21st-Century. A continued reliance on fossil fuels and urban energy consumption patterns are putting us on an unsustainable path. Glaciers, permafrost and sea ice are disappearing. Extreme weather events will continue to cause more flooding, more drought, more public health problems, more economic distress, and more destruction of ecosystems. No area will be immune to these effects and neighborhoods that develop strong environmental visions, plans and policies will be better equipped to deal with these long-term challenges.
In 2008, the “Chicago Climate Action Plan” was published. It was an ambitious outline of how to reduce the city’s carbon (CO2) footprint 25% below 1990-levels by the year 2020, and 80% below 1990-levels by 2050. This “North Center Neighborhood Climate Change & Sustainability Plan” acts as a public resource for North Center neighborhood residents and stakeholders on how we can face climate change at the neighborhood level. While focusing on North Center specifically, the Plan is also meant to illustrate the links this area has to its neighbors, and to the Chicago region as a whole.
We invite you to the Monday, April 9th meeting of our Environment Committee where the “North Center Neighborhood Climate Change & Sustainability Plan” will be presented by neighborhood resident and NNA Environmental Committee member Michael Ashkenasi."