Sunday, March 18, 2012

Pete Leki - People You Should Know

Berteau and the River
Within an urban environment it is possible for neighbors, schools and businesses to create a more integrated wholistic experience of living. Experiences where we the participant get to enacted either our "big ideas or little acts" in order to add depth an meaning to our lives while deepening our relationship with our environment.

This past weekend Pete Leki, teacher, ecologist, environmentalist, land steward, and awesome neighbor invited us to learn, participate or just watch two controlled, perscribed burns.

On Thursday, March 16, Pete gave a  workshop on prescribed, controlled burns of natural areas in preparation for two upcoming burnings in our ward. On Saturday the weather was oddly perfect (85 degrees in March!) dry, low winds which allow Pete and the graduates of the workshop to apply the perscription prairie burn to both the Bill McBride Prairie at the intersection of Berteau and the river, then on Sunday the garden of Waters Elementary School.

Waters Elementary School
It was an incredible weekend and based on the success of the burns we can bet that both green spaces will flourish this spring, summer and fall. Thank you Pete!

If you would like to participate in other exciting events like this, please contact the Riverbank Neighbors at, they can always use YOUR HELP!

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